Ter Stege Tunnel


Ter Stege Tunnel

In the Overijssel village of Olst, a bicycle and pedestrian tunnel under the Deventer-Zwolle railroad was completed in 2023. Cyclists and pedestrians can now move more safely within the village. Not only for traffic safety is the tunnel an asset. It also features the artwork “The Time Machine”.


Municipality of Olst-Wijhe




Marina Nijdeken


Concrete walls


Steni Vision Custom


40 x 1,2 meter


Rothman Installation


Gerhard Aberson


Marina Nijdeken is the artist of the work. She involved many residents in its creation. Dozens of Olsten citizens were portrayed, and elementary school pupils helped to color the backgrounds. Nijdeken: “For The Time Machine I was inspired by ordinary people with special stories. Everyone who contributed gave me inspiration. By the melancholy of the past, the speed of the now and ignorance of what is to come. But above all by the cheerfulness, color and fun.”


The Municipality of Olst-Wijhe engaged M2uur bv for the realization of the work. M2uur bv digitized the designs and took care of the layout. The files were printed on Steni Vision, glass fiber reinforced stone composite facade panels and provided with a UV-resistant coating. Finally, the panels were bonded to aluminum tube profiles.


The ‘Time Machine’ transforms a generic tunnel into a unique connection. The exuberant, colorful works salute the inhabitants and the village of Olst. They provide a cheerful celebration of recognition and contribute to the sense of safety of everyone using the tunnel.

Social safety

Freekje Vervoord (M2uur bv): “It is fantastic that we can display art in the public space in this way. In addition, the work increases the sense of social safety. The durable Steni panels have a guarantee of 60 years and are therefore perfectly suited for such applications. In Scandinavia complete facades are provided with art in this way. In the Netherlands we are a bit more cautious. As far as I am concerned, it can all be more lavish and daring!”

Ter Stege Tunnel