New REMA 1000 shop in Sykkylven festively opened
Construction work on the new REMA 1000 shop on the Norwegian coast in Sykkylven has been completed, and the shop was recently festively opened. The premises have a modern look that keeps with the no-nonsense concept the chain is known for.
REMA 1000 hanteert de slogan “The simple is often the best” (Det enkle er ofte det beste), wat terug te zien is in de eenvoudige winkelinrichting. Producten worden vaak direct uit kratten of pallets verkocht, wat kosten bespaart. Ook de naam verwijst naar het minimalistische concept, met een assortiment dat beperkt blijft tot ongeveer duizend producten.

REMA 1000 uses the slogan “The simple is often the best ’ (Det enkle er ofte det beste), which is reflected in the simple shop design. Products are often sold directly from crates or pallets, which saves costs. The name also refers to the minimalist concept, with a range limited to about a thousand products.
The facades feature glass-fibre reinforced stone composite panels from Steni.

The long façade side features an abstract and seamless leopard pattern. The end façade is decorated with a Contour map of the region. The map shows the relief of the surrounding region, such as the mountains and valleys around the Sykkylvenfjord.

The printed facade panels give the building a unique but also local character. The new shop combines functionality with aesthetics, emphasizing both simplicity and connection to the region.