Research on Truchet Tiling
M2uur bv has started a research project on the applications of Truchet Tiling in collaboration with illustrator Rick Lenselink. In Truchet Tiling, one square facade panel is designed to connect to the surrounding panels on all sides. All panels are identical, but the random placement of the squares creates unique, non-repeating representations.
The study aims to identify the potential of this new facade finish for the European construction industry. The square elements can be easily assembled and reused. This makes Truchet Tiling particularly suitable for modular and circular construction and design methods.
Another advantage of Truchet Tiling is its relatively low cost. The series production of these tiles is significantly cheaper than manufacturing unique panels. At the same time, the facade concept offers great freedom in designs. Lenselink demonstrates the many possibilities in design with his preliminary studies, playing with mosaics, abstracted images of nature and geometric designs.
Truchet Tiling takes its name from French designer and typographer Sébastien Truchet (1657 – 1792). Truchet is known for his experiments with different tessellations composed of a single element. By tilting and mirroring, a simple element produces a multiplicity of forms. Lenselink and M2uur bv adopt this basic principle in their research.